Sponsor a child for one dollar a day!

We can reach more children with your help! 100% of donations go to Malawi to nurture the children, providing hope for a better tomorrow. We have grown to over 1000 children, but there are still many children on the outside looking in

We have made a commitment to every child in the program, not just a meal once, perhaps twice; but a constant presence of love, providing the stability and hope they can trust

You can help us by making the same commitment for one child for just a dollar a day

Sponsorship enables a more personal link to students in Malawi as you can write to and receive letters from your sponsored student and can encourage them in their education.

Consider providing sponsorship for a child to enable them to have food, education, and the opportunity to reach their potential

Select a child below, perhaps one that shares the same birthday with you, or you like their name or just the twinkle in their eyes. Please fill out the form with your child’s name and birthday and your credit card information


Our team is all-volunteer, which means that 100% of your donation goes directly to help provide shelter, food, water, and education to the children in our foundation.

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